3-Yr-Olds 4-Yr-Olds Pre-K Academic Enrichment Preschool Registration

Preschool & Pre-K

Rolling Meadows Park District's Preschool Program is designed to provide a positive and fun-first learning environment where children can thrive. By attending our program your child will:

  • Feel safe and accepted while developing social and age appropriate developmental skills
  • Develop a love of learning, self-confidence and the ability to problem solve
  • Progress at his/her own pace under the supervision of experienced, nurturing teachers
  • Begin to feel a sense of community and belonging through the friends he/she will make

Preschool Brochure

Preschool Handbook

Snack Ideas

Preschool Calendar 2024-2025

Early Childhood Classes 

Student Absence Form 

Program Objectives

Our Preschool Program is carefully planned to meet the needs of children at each level of development.


  • Adjustment to preschool
  • Development of self-confidence
  • Development of continuing communication skills
  • Cooperation with other children and adults
  • Creativity in arts
  • Awareness of feelings
  • The ability to follow direction
  • The ability to make choices
  • Large and small muscle development


  • Continue adjustment to preschool
  • Continue to develop self-confidence
  • Continue development of continuing communication skills
  • Cooperation with other children and adults
  • Continue creativity in arts
  • Awareness of feelings
  • The ability to follow more advanced directions
  • Take responsibility for personal belongings
  • The ability to make choice and plan for themselves
  • Cognitive growth and development that is necessary for kindergarten readiness
  • Large and small muscle development
  • Introduction to Jolly Phonics


Our Pre-K class is tailored for older children who are developmentally prepared for a structured and advanced learning environment. Classes emphasize pre-reading skills, hands-on cooking and STEAM activities, advanced classroom management techniques, enriching field trips, and engaging library story visits. At the heart of our program are highly skilled educators dedicated to providing exceptional learning experiences for your child. We nurture curiosity, creativity and academic readiness in a supportive and stimulating setting.

Academic Enrichment

Enrich Your Child's Day!
This class is a great addition to your 4-year-old or Pre-K child's educational experience. Mrs. C and Mrs. K engage students in an afternoon of learning, development and play!
Register for Academic Enrichment

If you have questions about our Preschool and Pre-K programs or would like to schedule a tour, contact Clariza Wickell, Youth Program Manager:

Phone: 847-818-3200 x1225