Nick Troy, CPRPExecutive Director (847) 818-3200x 1111
Doug HaywoodSuperintendent of Finance & IT(847) 818-3200x 1113
Tiffany Quattrocchi, SHRM-CPManager of Human Resources(847) 818-3200x 1115
Liz DalessandroAdministrative Services Specialist(847) 818-3200x 1112
Conor Cahill, CPRPSuperintendent of Recreation(847) 818-3200x 1238
Karen RichardsonGuest Services - Recreation(847) 818-3200x 1221
Geneva SlupskiCommunications & Marketing Manager(847) 818-3200x 1230
Robben BurdickGraphic Designer(847) 818-3200x 1229
Clariza Wickell, CTRS, CIAYouth Program ManagerEarly Childhood, Camps, R.E.C.(847) 818-3200x 1225
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Bryce Bilodeau, CPRPRecreation Supervisor - Athletics(847) 818-3200x 1223
Yessica AlonsoRecreation Supervisor - Rentals & Parties(847) 818-3200x 1222
Sydney SzukalaRecreation Supervisor - Events &Community Engagement(847) 818-3200x 1224
Kristina Sromek, CPRPRecreation Supervisor - Adults(847) 818-3200x 1233
Bob VellerSuperintendent of Ice Arenas(847) 818-3200x 1444
Patti LowthGuest Services - Ice Arena Coordinator(847) 818-3200x 1443
Austin SpahrSupervisor - Youth Hockey Operations(847) 818-3200x 1448
Kyle BelluominiSupervisor - Public Skate & Parties(847) 818-3200x 1441
Leanne WalshSupervisor - Learn to Skate(847) 818-3200x 1333
Michelle BrosinskiGuest Services - Sports Complex(847) 818-3200x 1331
Kevin CygnarOperations - Ice Arenas Coordinator(847) 818-3200x 1445
Chris FloresOperations - Ice Arenas Coordinator(847) 818-3200
Brian McKenna, CPRP, CPSISuperintendent of Parks(847) 344-4761
Dominic CalderisiSafety Coordinator/Project Manager(847) 344-4877
Chris JordanCustodian ForemanBuilding Maintenance Staff(847) 344-4766
Bill ShineParks ForemanParks Maintenance Staff(847) 344-1498